January 1, 2024
News MAKERS, Quarter 1 2024
Our 1sr quarter News MAKERS market update is here! We trust you'll find helpful information and some fun bits and pieces. Please let us know if you have any questions.
October 1, 2023
News MAKERS, Quarter 4 2023
Our 4th quarter News MAKERS market update is here! We trust you'll find helpful information and some fun bits and pieces. Please let us know if you have any questions.
July 1, 2023
News MAKERS, Quarter 3 2023
Our 3rd quarter News MAKERS market update is here! We trust you'll find helpful information and some fun bits and pieces. Please let us know if you have any questions.
April 1, 2023
News MAKERS, Quarter 2 2023
Our 2nd quarter News MAKERS market update is here! We trust you'll find helpful information and some fun bits and pieces. Please let us know if you have any questions.
March 14, 2023
Our US Banking Update
With the recent news of the FDIC taking over a bank in California and another in New York, we want to keep you informed of the facts that can get buried in the news by sharing this overview from our very own Kara Murphy, Chief Investment Officer at Kestra.
Markets in a Minute: Is the Banking System at Risk?
Linked below is additional information about the protection of your assets held at Fidelity, our custodian for your accounts.
Safeguarding Your Fidelity Account® and Assets
We are available if you would like to discuss these important topics further.
March 13, 2023
Weekly Market Insights: Bad Markets A One-Two Punch
Stocks tumbled last week as investors reconsidered their interest rate expectations after Fed Chair Powell’s Congressional testimony that rates may need to go higher. Stocks also were rattled when a west coast bank was placed into receivership on Friday following a run on deposits.
March 10, 2023
One Upside to Rising Interest Rates
We want to let you know that with the recent rise in interest rates, our money market and CD rates have also increased significantly. If you have accumulated cash in your bank account, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about these investment options. We are confident that our competitive rates can provide you with a solution that suits your financial goals. So please do not hesitate to call and discuss your alternatives.
January 1, 2023
News MAKERS, Quarter 1 2023
We hope you’ve experienced a great start to your year! The first month is already behind us, and as we head into tax season (and spring!) we’re reminded of the important steps we all need to take toward our goals.
Our commitment is to bring value to your financial journey... And this first newsletter of 2023 is just one way we will do that... It's not long, but it is packed with information we hope will benefit you. And feel free to share it with others who might find value here as well!